
Showing posts from October, 2021

How to stay self motivated

 How to stay self motivated: Motivation is a human factor in management. Motivation represents  the willingness of an individual to put his efforts in a particular direction  so as to achieve his goals. Motivation is what makes people perform or do the things. ... Motivation is important to both organization and individual. We can stay motivated in 2 types of situation: 1) Love / willingness 2) Fear 1) Love / willingness When we love the work we do, then automatically we can stay motivated, generally we procrastinate our work because we does not like the work which we need to do, but if we love the work and put all our interest in that particular work then we will stay motivated. example: a) Some people love to go to gym, so that they will be motivated towards that always b) We love to watch TV, movies, we never procrastinate watching it 2) Fear: When our exams are to be conducted the next day and we have not read anything, in this situation the exams are o...


Goal: Importance of goal: Goal setting is important because it helps inspire and motivate you, a well planned goal will increase your willingness to succeed. We can give our-self a concrete destination to our journey. As goal plays a big role in our success we need to make sure that our goal is made correct or wrong, goals differ from person to person, but there are some common goals which every one needs in his/her lives. So here are 5 goals which is common to everyone: 1) Health 2) Finance 3) Peacefulness 4) Personal development 5) Present  1) Health: Set good health goals. Every one needs a good health, but many of them does not give attention to the good health. Setting a health goal gives us a positive tone, especially when it comes to our body and mind, healthy goal is one that helps us feel good physically and mentally in long term, a healthy goal may start out small and end up taking you on a journey towards long-term benefits!.... Some examples of health goals: a) Get adeq...