

Importance of goal:

Goal setting is important because it helps inspire and motivate you, a well planned goal will increase your willingness to succeed. We can give our-self a concrete destination to our journey.
As goal plays a big role in our success we need to make sure that our goal is made correct or wrong,
goals differ from person to person, but there are some common goals which every one needs in his/her lives.

So here are 5 goals which is common to everyone:

1) Health
2) Finance
3) Peacefulness
4) Personal development
5) Present

 1) Health:

Set good health goals. Every one needs a good health, but many of them does not give attention to the good health. Setting a health goal gives us a positive tone, especially when it comes to our body and mind, healthy goal is one that helps us feel good physically and mentally in long term, a healthy goal may start out small and end up taking you on a journey towards long-term benefits!....

Some examples of health goals:

a) Get adequate rest daily, our sleep hours should be maintained.
b) Get regular physical activity such as exercise, yoga, running etc.
c) Eat healthy foods .
d) Maintain healthy weight, etc,....

2) Finance:

A financial goal is a target to aim for when managing our money. It can involve saving, spending, earning or investing. Creating a list of financial goals is vital to creating a budget. when we have a clear picture of what we are aiming for, working towards the target becomes easy!

Some examples of Financial goals:

a) Improve Financial freedom
b) Creating a budget
c) Save for retirement and long term plans
d) Building an emergency fund, etc,......

3) peacefulness:

Having a peacefulness life is very important factor according to me, if a person has everything in life except peace then everything is waste, so it is important that we have a peaceful life no matter how hard phase we are going through in life. we need to learn to stay peacefully and control the hardest situations, we can get peacefulness by controlling our mind, we should not be slaves of our minds, for this we need to do meditation, yoga, exercise, taking a day off and spend time with nature, etc,...

Some examples of peacefulness goals:

a) be true to yourself
b) meditation
c) spend time with nature
d) Exercise etc,........

4) personal development:

Personal development goals is important because it will provide us clarity on the things that we really want to do in our life. The importance of habit in a self-development plan creating a persona development plan that works for you is all about developing habits to benefit our future self.

Some examples of personal development goals:

a) work on time management skills
b) read a book, learning a new skill, learn a new language
c) Learn from our mistakes
d) Executing the things which was planned etc,...

5) Present goals:

Generally this differs from person to person, if you are a student then your present goal will be education, if you are seeking a job, then your present goal will be learning a skill which will help in building a career.
